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Supporting our Local High School (DSHS)

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As you may have previously read, White Industries provide on-going support to Dalby State High School and have recently eighteen Year 11, Cert II Manufacturing students from DSHS, came to the foundry to cast their very own jaffle irons.

The process started with, drawings being designed by Matthew Dunford our in-house Casting Simulation Specialist and a protype being manufactured to ensure the correct result.

A 3D print was produced from the Models as master pattern cope and drag.
It then went to our Pattern Shop where Tradesman Pattern Maker, Justin Spiby made up pattern boards for the moulding process. It was then moulded and trialled cooking the test in a fire.
Once trialled the pattern shop duplicated the pattern boards ready for the student’s project. The student’s made their own timber patterns to fit into supplied boards.

Then came moulding and pouring day. With the assistance of a few of our skilled foundry tradesmen, we closed a section of the foundry to host the event.

There was a lot of excitement coming from the students as they moulded their parts in green sand and then got to see the pouring of the moulds, with two students getting to help pour and finally knocking out their castings to reveal the finished product.

Making the moulds Pouring metal

They have since taken their castings back to school and have finished the assembly and had them in use making delicious Jaffles.

This was a project run in partnership with Queensland Manufacturing Institute (QMI) and Dalby State High School’s visits to White Industries is now an offical part of the new Queensland state curriculum.

We look forward to sharing the White Industries culture of innovation, learning and collaboration with next year’s students!

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