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Should you be using local manufacturers?

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The extent to which global supply chains rely on China’s manufacturing has been brought into sharp focus. Entire cities in China have ground to a halt, as businesses are forced to slow down or close altogether as workers are quarantined to contain the spread of the illness.

The Australian Government has introduced isolation and border recommendations in response to containing the Corona virus outbreak. Requirements have been introduced for New South Wales (Sydney port) and Queensland (Brisbane port) that vessels cannot berth until 14 days has elapsed since departure from mainland China ports.

For Brisbane, this applies to vessels that have departed mainland China ports on or after 1st February 2020. For Sydney, the 14 day waiting period applies irrespective of the date of departure from mainland China ports.

The full impact will not be immediately evident, and it is difficult to predict the downstream consequences of a pandemic event. Globalisation and complex supply chains dictate there will be a negative impact on Australia with it not being a matter of if, but when. Supply chains are experiencing severe interruption, and the situation could remain for an uncertain amount of time. Has your company prepared for the eventuality, and made a shift of mindset regarding risk management and business continuity?

Forecasting supply is a complex task before having to account for external factors like a global pandemic. When you combine the reliability and convenience of a local manufacturer, there is a strong business case for using Australian-based manufacturing which additionally supports the national economy.

White Industries continues to manufacture and supply to Australia with minimal exposure and risk, as it has done for the last 60 years, leveraging off robust and reliable local supply chains.

White Industries have recently fielded multiple enquiries from other companies who are finding out that relying on a supply chain from overseas can be very risky. Can your company afford the risk of compromised supply and day to day interruption that this unprecedented global event has bought upon us?

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