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When Railways Grow, the Country Grows

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History shows that the arrival of the railway in many countries lead to unprecedented levels of prosperity and growth, with countries across the world opening up for trade and population growth thanks to development of rail networks.

For more than a century, founders and engineers have toiled to produce the infrastructure that these countries were built on. Without foundry industries to supply the required castings for rolling stock, this would not have been possible. Railroad’s growth depending on the supply of castings. Locomotives, rail cars both freight and passenger, the switchgear and rail cross overs all have castings as part of their components.

Today in 2021 the railroad industry is still essential to the distribution and transportation of goods across Australia. Railroads have long been a cost-effective and dependable transportation option for all sorts of companies.

Locomotives and railcars are not all made the same with some requiring specific components. Custom castings provide a plethora of options both OEM and aftermarket for companies. White Industries continue to supplying the top rail manufacturing and maintenance companies in the country with components such as:

  • Wagon Components: Bogie Traction Beams, Draw bar Ends, Yoke Supports, Strut castings and Door opening and closing arms.
  • Tamping Machine Rail wheels: Brake Shoes/ Block, Wire Liner Wheels, Applicator Base, Bodies, Brackets and Contact levers.
  • Various components for Passenger services: Torque Reaction Slave Link, Torque Link Arm Master, Brake Hanger Brackets,
  • Torsion Bar Arms and Bodies, Reaction Rod Bodies, Torsion Bar and Rods, Bearing Covers and Tilt Train suspension Cylinders
  • Switchgear: Switchgear Boxes, lever arms, Lock Boxes and Locking Claws, and drive brackets.

The railway Industry is still expanding across Australia today. There are multiple projects currently taking place such as Inland Rail, connecting Melbourne to the Port of Brisbane and everywhere in between. The Cross River Rail project in Brisbane and the Tramway extensions on the Gold Coast, the Galilee Basin line to service the controversial Adani mine and on-going rail and tram in Sydney and Melbourne.

White Industries will be appearing at Ausrail 2021 in Brisbane. Come and chat with Jim and Craig to find out how you can be part of growing this country in the 21st Century. Find out more about the exhibition here:

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