Customer Visits – Northern Queensland
Above image: White Team, Craig, Mick and Simon way up on top of the Wash Plant at the mine site
While Queensland was battening down for Cyclone Debbie, White Industries headed into the eye of the storm to meet with customers.
First stop was the Rio-Tinto Kestral underground coal mine in Central Queensland, where Craig White, Mick Shelford and Simon Kay met with personnel to review opportunities around improving wear life of equipment and reducing opperating costs in the wash plant.

Inspecting a trial casting
As part of an on-going Process Improvement project relating to waste handling, a review of the effectiveness of changes implemented by White Industries was also conducted while the team was onsite.

Craig driver cabin of the tilt train
Kestrel had been experiencing issues with waste transitting off the conveyer and dropping onto the stockpile in their screening process. This was causing wear of the ski chute that directs the flow of the waste and damage to plant and equipment, due to the high terminal velocity of the waste. To fix this issue, White Industries introduced a longer wearing material and redesigned the chute to take the energy out of the falling waste, significantly increasing wear life and reducing damage.
After meeting up with Jim Stevenson, the next leg of the trip took the team through Gracemere and Rockhampton, where some of our rail customers are located. The opportunity was taken to review products cast by White Industries being actively used and to discuss opportunities for future supply.
Pushing further north to Gladstone, the highway, like a lot of roads through Central and South East Queensland was cut by the deluge from Cyclone Debbie. After waiting several hours, Craig, Mick and Simon headed back to Dalby, (via many diversions around swollen creeks), leaving Jim to eventually make it through to Gladstone and visit our customers still able to operate though the natural disaster.
White Industries regularly visit customers to gain a better understand of what is required to make their customers’ worlds better.

Waiting for the flood water to recede south of Rockhampton